Fair Trade

Fair trade is one of the impacts that Sustainable Makers preserves brand curation. Fair trade is the global social movement that began to develop in the 1940s as an alternative response to the failure of the conventional trade model. Optimized fair trade and commercially suitable for development, as well as development opportunities, and fair arts at fair value and economically profitable.
Fair trade is a business model that places human beings and the social, economic and environmental sustainability of societies at the center; the environment and promoting responsible and sustainable management of resources.
Fair Trade facilitates direct access to small markets for producers in fair and equitable conditions, creating only a channel for sustainable, solidary and quality promotion, as direct as possible between producers and consumers. In order to honorably recognize the work of producers and their organizations, so that consumers are committed to the development of the community. Furthermore, it seeks to guarantee agricultural workers decent working conditions, promoting their associativity and empowerment.

The most important elements of the fair trade movement are:
  • Integral, in all its dimensions (social, economic and environmental), with a focus on shared responsibility among all sustainability segments in the commercial chains.
  • A deep work with those who have always been deprived of direct access to the market, promoting associativity so that it becomes the long term of local development, and builds fair and solidary, transparent, long-term trade that dignifies the work of human beings and respects cultural, ethnic and gender diversities and that environmental and intergenerational sustainability.
  • The promotion of and respect for human and labor rights, encouraging fair recognition of the work of agricultural and artisanal workers.

Another fundamental objective of fair trade is to foster a culture of responsible consumption because consumption means choosing the type of development we want.

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